- C. Wang*, P.-C. Chiu*, C.-L. Ko, S.-H. Tseng, and C.-H. Li, “ A 340-GHz THz amplifier-frequency-multiplier chain with 360° phase-shifting range and its phase characterization,” IEEE J. Emerg. Sel. Topics Circuits Syst., vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 52-66, Mar. 2024. (*Co-first authors)
- Y. Wang, T.-Y. Chiu, T.-Y. Chiu, K.-J. Yu, Y.-M. Teng, G.-W. Huang, C.-H. Li, C.-N. Kuo, C.-C. Chiong, and H. Wang, “A Ka- to G-band detector with 5.5-GHz video bandwidth using a modified traveling-wave structure in 65-nm CMOS technology,” IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. II, Exp. Briefs, vol. 70, no. 4, pp. 1371-1375, Apr. 2023.
- C.-H. Li and T.-Y. Chiu, “Low-loss single-band, dual-band, and broadband mm-wave and (sub-)THz interconnects for THz SoP heterogeneous system integration,” IEEE Trans. THz Sci. Technol., vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 130-143, Mar. 2022.
- T.-Y. Chiu and C.-H. Li, “340-GHz heterogeneously-integrated THz imager with 4°-beamwidth 16 × 16 IPD antenna array for lensless terahertz imaging applications,” IEEE Access, vol. 9, pp. 102195-102206, Jul. 2021.
- T.-Y. Chiu and C.-H. Li, “Low-loss low-cost substrate-integrated waveguide and filter in GaAs IPD technology for terahertz applications,” IEEE Access, vol. 9, pp. 86346-86357, Jun. 2021.
- C.-H. Li, K.-D. Huang, and T.-Y. Chiu, “A highly-integrated reconfigurable Ka-band receiver supporting active and passive detections in a 90-nm CMOS technology,” IEEE Access, vol. 9, pp. 38342-38351, Mar. 2021.
- C.-H. Li, W.-T. Hsieh, and T.-Y. Chiu, “A flip-chip-assembled W-band receiver in 90-nm and IPD technologies,” IEEE Trans. Microw. Theory Tech., vol. 67, no. 4, pp. 1628-1639, Apr. 2019.
- C.-H. Li and T.-Y. Chiu, “Single flip-chip-packaged dielectric resonator antenna for CMOS terahertz antenna array gain enhancement,” IEEE Access, vol. 7, pp. 7737-7746, 2019.
- C.-H. Li and W.-M. Wu, “A balun-less frequency multiplier with different output by current flow manipulation,” IEEE Trans. Very Large Scale Integr. VLSI Syst., vol. 26, no. 7, pp. 1391-1402, Jul. 2018.
- C.-H. Li, C.-L. Ko, M.-C. Kuo, and D.-C. Chang, “A 7.1-mW K/Ka-band mixer with configurable bondwire resonators in 65-nm CMOS,” IEEE Trans. Very Large Scale Integr. VLSI Syst., vol. 25, no. 9, pp. 2635-2648, Sep. 2017.
- C.-H. Li, M.-C. Yu, and H.-J. Lin, “A compact 0.9-/2.6-GHz dual-band RF energy harvester using SiP technique,” IEEE Microw. Wireless Compon. Lett., vol. 27, no. 7, pp. 666-668, Jul. 2017.
- C.-H. Li and T.-Y. Chiu, “340-GHz low-cost and high-gain on-chip higher order mode dielectric resonator antenna for THz applications,” IEEE Trans. THz Sci. Technol., vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 284-294, May 2017. (Popular document in IEEE Xplore)
- C.-L. Ko, C.-H. Li, M.-C. Kuo, and D.-C. Chang, “Constant loss contours of matching networks for millimeter-wave LNA design,” IEEE Microw. Wireless Compon. Lett., vol. 26, no. 11, pp. 939-941, Nov. 2016.
- C.-H. Li, C.-L. Ko, M.-C. Kuo, and D.-C. Chang, “A 340-GHz heterodyne receiver front-end in 40-nm CMOS for THz biomedical imaging applications,” IEEE Trans. THz Sci. Technol., vol. 6, no. 4, pp. 625-636, Jul. 2016. (Popular document in IEEE Xplore)
- C.-H. Li, T.-Y. Chao, C.-W. Lai, W.-C. Chen, C.-L. Ko, C.-N. Kuo, Y.-T. Cheng, Ming-Ching Kuo, and Da-Chiang Chang, “A 37.5-mW 8-dBm-EIRP 15.5°-HPBW 338-GHz THz transmitter using SoP heterogeneous system integration,” IEEE Trans. Microw. Theory Tech., vol. 63, no. 2, pp. 470-480, Feb. 2015.
- C.-H. Li, C.-L. Ko, C.-N. Kuo, M.-C. Kuo, and D.-C. Chang, “A 340-GHz triple-push oscillator with differential output in 40-nm CMOS,” IEEE Microw. Compon. Lett., vol. 24, no. 12, pp. 863-865, Dec. 2014.
- C.-H. Li, C.-L. Ko, C.-N. Kuo, M.-C. Kuo, and D.-C. Chang, “A low-cost DC-to-84-GHz broadband bondwire interconnect for SoP heterogeneous system integration,” IEEE Trans. Microw. Theory Tech., vol. 61, no. 12, pp. 4345-4352, Dec. 2013.
- C.-L. Ko, C.-H. Li, C.-N. Kuo, M.-C. Kuo, and D.-C. Chang, “A 210 GHz amplifier in 40 nm digital CMOS technology,” IEEE Trans. Microw. Theory Tech., vol. 61, no. 6, pp. 2438-2446, Jun. 2013.
- C.-H. Li, C.-N. Kuo, and M.-C. Kuo, “A 1.2-V 5.2-mW 20-30-GHz wideband receiver front-end in 0.18-μm CMOS,” IEEE Trans. Microw. Theory Tech., vol. 60, no. 11, pp. 3502-3512, Nov. 2012.
- C.-H. Li, Y.-L. Liu, and C.-N. Kuo, “The theory of resonator coupling network and its application to receiver front-end design,” International J. Electrical Engineering, vol. 19, no. 2, pp. 45-56, Apr. 2012.
- C.-H. Li, Y.-L. Liu, and C.-N. Kuo, “A 0.6-V 0.33-mW 5.5-GHz receiver front-end using resonator coupling technique,” IEEE Trans. Microw. Theory Tech., vol. 59, no. 6, pp. 1629-1638, Jun. 2011.
- T.-Y. Chao, C.-H. Li, Y. C. Chen, H.-Y. Chen, Y.-T. Cheng, and C.-N. Kuo, “An interconnecting technology for RF MEMS heterogeneous chip integration,” IEEE Trans. Electron Devices, vol. 57, no. 4, pp. 928-938, Apr. 2010.
- W.-T. Tseng, T.-Y. Chiu, C. Wang, and C.-H. Li, “A 324-to-360-GHz –6-dBm output power THz phase-locked loop in 40-nm CMOS,” IEEE Symposium on Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits, San Francisco, California, U.S., Jun. 2025. (Accepted)
- C.-S. Lin and C.-H. Li, “A 230-GHz 3.5-dBm phase-shifter-embedded frequency tripler with 360˚ phase-shifting range in 40-nm CMOS,” IEEE International Microwave Symposium, San Francisco, California, U.S., Jun. 2025. (Accepted)
- C.-Y. Tai, T.-Y. Chen, and C.-H. Li, “A 200-GHz signal source in 40-nm CMOS for sub-THz biomedical imaging applications,” IEEE Int. Microw. Biomed. Conf., Kaohsiung, Taiwan, Apr. 2025. (Accepted)
- S. Sharma and C.-H. Li, “Spoof localized surface plasmon polariton for sensing applications,” IEEE Int. Microw. Biomed. Conf., Kaohsiung, Taiwan, Apr. 2025. (Accepted)
- Y.-K. Chen, W.-Z. Su, Y.-F. Tseng, and C.-H. Li, “A 240-GHz wideband LNA with dual-peak-Gmax cores and customized high-speed transistors in 40-nm CMOS,” IEEE International Microwave Symposium, Washington, DC, U.S., pp. 223-226, Jun. 2024.
- C-H. Lin, C.-S. Lin, and C.-H. Li, “235-GHz amplifier-frequency-multiplier chain with optimal harmonic impedance matching network in 40-nm CMOS,” IEEE International Microwave Symposium, Washington, DC, U.S., pp. 219-222, Jun. 2024.
- C.-H. Li, W.-Z. Su, and Y.-K. Chen, “THz electronics for sensing and communication applications,” SPIE Optics + Photonics, 2023. (Invited)
- C. Wang, P.-C. Chiu, and C.-H. Li, “A W-band phase-shifter-embedded PA in 40-nm CMOS for 6G applications,” IEEE Int. Microw. Symp., San Diego, CA, U.S, pp. 1140–1143, Jun. 2023.
- C.-H. Li and T.-Y. Chiu, “A compact and low-cost THz SoP heterogeneous integration platform,” in IEEE Int. Symp. Radio-Frequency Integration Technology, 2022. (Invited)
- T.-Y. Chiu and C.-H. Li, “A low-power 340-GHz receiver in 40-nm CMOS for THz imaging applications,” in IEEE Int. Symp. Radio-Frequency Integration Technology, 2021.
- C. Wang and C.-H. Li, “A G-band frequency doubler in 40-nm digital CMOS for THz applications,” in IEEE Int. Symp. Radio-Frequency Integration Technology, 2021.
- T.-Y. Chiu, Y.-L. Lee, C.-L. Ko, S.-H. Tseng, and C.-H. Li, “A low-loss balun-embedded interconnect for THz heterogeneous system integration,” IEEE Int. Microwave Symp., 2020.
- C. Wang, K.-Y. Chen, Y.-L. Lee, and C.-H. Li, “A X-/Ku-band QFN-packaged GaAs LNA supporting dual-polarization signal reception,” Asia-Pacific Microw. Conf. (APMC), 2019.
- C.-H. Li and T.-Y. Chiu, “CMOS devices and circuits for THz applications,” Asia-Pacific Microw. Conf. (APMC), 2018. (Distinguished Invited Speaker)
- Y.-L. Su, C.-C. Jian, Y.-L. Lee, C.-H. Li, and T. Lohrey, “Dichroic sub-reflector for wide band technique for single offset antenna,” EuMC, 2018.
- M.-T. Hsu, T.-Y. Chiu, S.-Y. Wu, Y.-T. Cheng, C.-H. Li, and C.-N. Kuo, “A silicon-based parabolic sub-reflector antenna for gain enhancement and near-field focus applications,” IEEE Int. Conf. Micro Electro Mechanical Syst., 2018.
- Y.-W. Chang, M.-C. Yu, H.-J. Lin, and C.-H. Li, “Compact low-cost five-band RF energy harvester using system-in-packaging integration,” IEEE Radio Wireless Symposium, 2018. (Finalist of Best Student Paper)
- T.-Y. Chiu, C. Wang, W.-T. Hsieh, H.-J. Lin, T.-Y. Lin, R. Liu, D.-C. Chang, and C.-H. Li, “A 340-GHz high-gain flip-chip packaged dielectric resonator antenna for THz imaging applications,” in IEEE Int. Symp. Radio-Frequency Integration Technology, 2017. (Finalist of Best Student Paper)
- C.-N. Kuo, W.-C. Chen, T.-Y. Chiu, and C.-H. Li, “Enhancement of THz imaging sensing by packaging technology,” in IEEE Int. Symp. Radio-Frequency Integration Technology, 2017. (Invited)
- Y.-X. Lu, M.-T. Hsu, Y.-T. Cheng, C.-H. Li, and C.-N. Kuo, “Focused source formation using a micro disc-like patch antenna array for THz CMOS transmitter applications,” Transducers, 2017.
- M.-C. Yu and C.-H. Li, “High-sensitivity and high-efficiency 2.4-GHz RF energy harvester using SiP technique,” URSI Asia-Pacific Radio Science Conference, 2016.
- C.-H. Li, T.-C. Yan, Y. Chang, C. Chen, and C.-N. Kuo, “Low-cost high-performance CMOS THz imaging system,” 12th Int. SOC Design Conference, 2015. (Invited)
- W.-M. Wu, M.-C. Yu, C.-H. Li, and C.-N. Kuo, “A low-cost DC-to-92 GHz broadband three-path bondwire interconnect,” in IEEE Int. Symp. Radio-Frequency Integration Technology, 2015.
- C.-H. Li, C.-W. Lai, T.-C. Yan, and C.-N. Kuo, “A low-cost broadband bondwire interconnect for THz heterogeneous system integration,” in Proc. IEEE Int. Microwave Symp., 2015.
- C.-L. Ko, C.-H. Li, C.-N. Kuo, M.-C. Kuo, and D.-C. Chang, “A 8-mW 77-GHz band CMOS LNA by using reduced simultaneous noise and impedance matching technique,” IEEE Int. Symp. Circuits Systems, 2015.
- W.-C. Chen, C.-W. Lai, T.-C. Yan, C.-H. Li, T.-Y. Chao, and C.-N. Kuo, “Electronic THz transmissive imaging systems,” IEEE Topical Meeting on Silicon Monolithic Integrated Circuits in RF Systems, 2015.
- T.-C. Yan, C.-H. Li, C.-W. Lai, W.-C. Chen, T.-Y. Chao, and C.-N. Kuo, “CMOS THz transmissive imaging systems,” IEEE Asian Solid-State Circuits Conf., 2014.
- C.-W. Lai, W.-C. Chen, T.-C. Yan, C.-H. Li, and C.-N. Kuo, “The experimental study of THz image sensor in 0.18 μm CMOS technology,” Asia-Pacific Microw. Conf., 2014.
- C.-W. Lai, W.-C. Chen, T.-C. Yan, C.-H. Li, M.-C. Kuo, and C.-N. Kuo, “The experimental study of THz power detector design in 0.18-μm CMOS technology,” Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium, 2014.
- C.-H. Li, C.-W. Lai, and C.-N. Kuo, “A 147 GHz fully differential D-band amplifier design in 65 nm CMOS,” Asia-Pacific Microw. Conf., 2013, pp. 691-693.
- C.-H. Li, J.-J. Wu, C.-N. Kuo, Y.-T. Cheng, and M.-C. Kuo, “A broadband interconnect for THz heterogeneous system integration,” IEEE Int. Microwave Symp., 2013, pp. 1-4.
- C.-H. Li, C.-L. Ko, C.-N. Kuo, M.-C. Kuo, and D.-C. Chang, “A low-cost broadband bondwire interconnect for heterogeneous system integration,” IEEE Int. Microwave Symp., 2013, pp. 1-4.
- C.-H. Li, C.-N. Kuo, and M.-C. Kuo, “A high Q on-chip bondwire transformer and its application to low power receiver front-end design,” IEEE Topical Meeting on Silicon Monolithic Integrated Circuits in RF Systems, 2013, pp. 120-122.
- C.-H. Li and C.-N. Kuo, “16.9-mW 33.7-dB gain mmWave receiver front-end in 65 nm CMOS,” IEEE Topical Meeting on Silicon Monolithic Integrated Circuits in RF Systems, 2012, pp. 179-182.
- C.-H. Li, C.-Y. Hsu, and C.-N. Kuo, “Low power 2.4 GHz receiver front-end using resonator coupling technique,” 54 th IEEE Int. Midwest Symp. Circuits Syst., 2011, pp.1-4. (Invited)
- C.-H. Li and C.-N. Kuo, “Design optimization of a 1.4 GHz low power bulk-driven mixer,” Asia-Pacific Microw. Conf., 2010, pp. 1035-1038.
- Y.-L. Liu, C.-H. Li, and C.-N. Kuo, “Low voltage low power 5-GHz doubled balanced mixer with active phase shifter,” Asia-Pacific Microw. Conf., 2010, pp. 550-553.
- C.-H. Li, C. T. Fu, T.-Y. Chao, C.-N. Kuo, Y.-T. Cheng, and D.-C. Chang, “Broadband flip-chip interconnects for millimeter-wave Si-carrier system-on-package,” IEEE Int. Microwave Symp., 2007, pp. 1645-1648.
- Y. C. Chen, C.-H. Li, J. K. Huang, C.-N. Kuo, and Y.-T. Cheng, “Low power 3~8 GHz UWB tunable LNA design using SiP technology,” IEEE Int. Conf. Electronics Circuits Syst., 2006, pp. 1026-1029. (Best Paper Award)
Invited Talks
- THz Electronics for Sensing and Communication Applications, KIEES Winter Conference, Jeju Island, Korea, Feb. 2025.
- THz RF Circuits, 2024 Analog IC Workshop, IEEE SSCS Taipei Chapter, Taichung, Taiwan, Dec. 2024.
- THz RF Circuits, Tutorial Talks, IEEE Asian Solid-State Circuits Conference, Hiroshima, Japan, Nov. 2024.
- THz Electronics for Sensing and Communication Applications, 2024 International VLSI Symposium on Technology, Systems and Applications, Hsinchu, Taiwan, Apr. 2024.
- THz Electronics for Sensing and Communication Applications, ACE Workshop on LEO and High-Frequency Material Measurement, ACE. Solution, Hsinchu, Taiwan, Dec. 2023.
- THz Electronics for Sensing and Communication Applications, Rising Star Express Forum, IEEE Asian Solid-State Circuits Conference, Hainan, China, Nov. 2023.
- THz Electronics for Sensing and Communication Applications, Seminar, Department of Electrophysics, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan, Oct. 2023.
- THz Electronics for Sensing and Communication Applications, SPIE Optics + Photonics, San Diego, CA, U.S., Aug. 2023.
- THz Electronics for Sensing and Communication Applications, The 3rd Symposium on Nano-Device Circuits and Technologies (SNDCT), Hsinchu, Taiwan, May 2023.
- THz Electronics for Sensing and Communication Applications, Spring Workshop, Graduate School of Advanced Technology, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, Mar. 2023.
- THz Electronics for Sensing and Communication Applications, Seminar, Institute of Electronics Engineering, National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan, Dec. 2022.
- Sub-THz/THz Transceiver Architectures for Next-Generation Communication Applications, NTU SoC Workshop on LEO Critical Components and Techniques, NTU SoC Center, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov. 2022.
- THz Electronics for Sensing Applications Seminar, Graduate Institute of Electronics Engineering, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, Oct. 2022.
- THz Electronics for 6G Communication Applications, ICS Seminar, Graduate Institute of Electronics Engineering, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, Sep. 2022.
- THz Electronics for 6G Communication Applications, TAICS Standards Forum, Taiwan Association of Information and Communication Standards, Taiwan, May 2022. (Virtual)
- THz Electronics for Sensing and Communication Applications, IEEE CASIF in 6G Circuits and Systems, Taipei Chapter, IEEE CASS, Dec. 2021.
- Tera/millimeter-wave Radar Technologies, RichWave Technology Forum, Taipei, Taiwan, Dec. 2021.
- THz Electronics for Sensing and Communication Applications, Seminar, Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei, Taiwan, Oct. 2021.
- THz Electronics for Sensing and Communication Applications, Seminar, Department of Electrical Engineering, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan, Mar. 2021.
- THz Electronics for Sensing and Communication Applications, TICD Seminar, Taiwan IC Design Society, Hsinchu, Taiwan, Mar. 2021.
- THz Electronics for Sensing and Communication Applications, Taiwan Telecommunication Annual Symposium, Taipei, Taiwan, Jan. 2021. (Keynote speech)
- THz Electronics for Security and Biomedical Applications, NTU SoC Workshop on Precision Health Technologies, NTU SoC Center, Taipei, Taiwan, Dec. 2020.
- CMOS Devices, Circuits, and Radars for THz Imaging Applications, Seminar, Department of Electrical Engineering, National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan, Sep. 2020.
- CMOS devices and circuits for THz applications, THz Workshop, National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan, May 2019.
- CMOS devices and circuits for THz applications, Seminar, Department of Engineering and System Science, National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan, Dec. 2018.
- CMOS devices and circuits for THz applications, Asia Pacific Microwave Conference, Kyoto, Japan, Nov. 2018 (Distinguished Invited Speaker)
- CMOS THz Transmissive Imaging System, Seminar, Department of Electrical Engineering, National Tsing Hua University, Nov. 2016.
- CMOS THz Imaging System, Seminar, Department of Communications Engineering, Yuan-Ze University, Nov. 2014.
- CMOS THz Imaging System, Seminar, Department of Electrical Engineering, National Central University, Sep. 2014
- Toward Low-Cost and High-Performance THz Systems: An SoP Heterogeneous Integration Approach, Seminar, Department of Electrical Engineering, National Central University, Nov. 2013.
Patents Awarded
- C.-H. Li and P.-C. Chiu, “Scalable phased-array system for wireless systems,” U.S. patent no. US12088537B2, Sep. 2024.
- 李俊興、邱品鈞,應用於無線系統的可延展相位陣列系統,中華民國專利,I799197。 (R.O.C. patent, Apr. 2023)
- C.-H. Li, C.-N. Kuo, and C.-L. Ko, “Interconnecting structure for electrically connecting a first electronic device and a second electronic device,” U.S. patent no. US9577308B2, Feb. 2017.
- C.-H. Li and C.-N. Kuo, “Broadband connection structure and method,” U.S. patent no. US9450650B2, Sep. 2016.
- 李俊興、郭建男,寬頻連接結構及其連接方法、傳輸裝置及傳輸寬頻訊號的方法,中華民國專利,I532351。 (R.O.C. patent, May 2016)
- 李俊興、郭建男、柯鈞琳,一種連接結構及其使用方法,中華民國專利,I511252。 (R.O.C. patent, Dec. 2015)